Humanities and Science Join Forces to Preserve Historic Church and Cemetery

Using ground penetrating radar, Greater Carlisle Heart and Soul and a team from Dickinson College are trying to locate unmarked graves at an historic but abandoned African American church in Mount Holly Springs. The Mount Tabor Church on Cedar Street is nearly 150 years old and in poor structural condition but it has newly appreciated cultural significance in a community that is now exploring its preservation options. Historic artifacts have been placed into storage and a laser scanner was used to create an accurate map of the site. Recently added to the Cumberland County Historic Register, the church has assumed its rightful place in local history.

This investigation is the result of the broader project by Greater Carlisle Heart and Soul, with the support of PHC, to gather stories, collect history and identify community assets. Greater Carlisle is putting the humanities at the heart of their community development efforts and reaping rewards -- including, discovering cultural treasures hidden in plain sight.
Watch the video, “Hidden History: Searching for Lost African-American Grave Sites” produced by our partner The Orton Family Foundation.

Hidden History: Searching for Lost African-American Grave Sites


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