32 Members of Congress Send President Trump Letter in Support of NEH and NEA

On Friday, March 10, 32 members of Congress sent a letter to President Trump in support of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts.

The letter outlines crucial services provided by the cultural agencies, including programs for veterans, and ends with the following statement: “Eliminating these programs would be detrimental to our military, our students, and our economy. We strongly urge you to support full and robust funding for the NEA and NEH in the FY 2018 budget, as exposure to the arts and humanities benefits all Americans.”

The letter was coordinated by Representative Robert Brady (D-PA-01) and signed by four other members of Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation: Brendan Boyle (D-PA-13), Ryan Costello (R-PA-06), Michael Doyle (D-PA-14), and Dwight Evans (D-PA-02).

Read the full letter. And please call your elected officials to thank them for taking action on behalf of the humanities and the arts--or thank them through Facebook or Twitter.



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