
Chair, Lehigh

Cheryl Matherly

Dr. Cheryl Matherly is the vice president and vice provost for international affairs at Lehigh University. She has nearly 15 years of experience working in international affairs and joined Lehigh in April 2016. She serves as the university’s senior international officer and is charged with providing strategic leadership for its numerous international education programs,  including study abroad, international student services, English language programs, international internships, partnership programs, Fulbright programs, UN programs, and the Iacocca Institute.  Before coming to Lehigh, Matherly was vice provost for global education at the University of Tulsa for nearly five years and previously served as both assistant provost for global education and associate dean for global education there. She has also served as assistant dean of students for career and international education and as director of the career services center at Rice University in Houston. She has an Ed.D. in education from the University of Houston, an M.S. in college student personnel administration from Indiana University and a B.A. in English literature and political science from the University of New Mexico.



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